

Phoenix Union High School DistrictPhoenix, Arizona, US
Hace más de 30 días
Tipo de contrato
  • A tiempo completo
Descripción del trabajo

Duties of the Instructional Leader

1. Curriculum

1.1 Leads the department in setting departmental procedures and developing goals, objectives and

action plan to increase student achievement.

1.2 Collaborates with the members of the department, the principal, the educational supervisor, the

Instructional Leader of other high schools in the District, and those responsible for the programs

at levels above and below the high school to plan, implement, and evaluate the curriculum.

1.3 Communicates with department members to keep them informed of school, District, and state

concerns, policies, models, and changes.

2. Support of the Instructional Program

2.1 Assumes responsibility for the selection, organization, and distribution of instructional

materials / supplies, testing materials and professional library resources.

2.2 Coordinates the administration of District-required testing.

2.3 Assists teachers in addressing issues related to students, classroom instruction, parents,

community members, and / or other personnel.

2.4 Facilitates departmental activities to improve instruction and curriculum.

2.5 May assist with implementation of the certified evaluation system.

3. Personnel

3.1 Collaborates with administration and staff determining teaching assignments.

3.2 Assists the principal / designee in resolving problems related to substitute coverage within the


3.3 Convenes department meetings on a regular basis.

3.4 Assists, whenever possible, the principal / designee in interviewing prospective teachers.

4. Budget

4.1 Assists in allocation, implementation, evaluation, and use of fiscal resources to meet program


Instructional Leaders / Small Schools

For Instructional Leaders (ILs) in multiple departments at Small Schools, the determination of which IL

meeting to attend will be made at the individual’s discretion with notification to the principal and the

Instruction and Accountability Division Content Specialist and / or Curriculum Supervisor. The principal

may reassign the IL to another meeting on occasion, based upon a specific site’s needs. On a voluntary or

rotating basis, another Small Schools departmental teacher may attend a District Instructional Leader

meeting as an alternate. With prior approval of the Curriculum Director, this individual may be

compensated at an hourly rate of pay for his / her time.

Selection of Instructional Leaders and Managers of Established Programs

A. The term of an Instructional Leader or manager position will be one school year subject to a satisfactory

Instructional Leader evaluation to be conducted no later than March 1st. (See Proc. 8-2 for the

evaluation process) The term may be altered at any time through the Meet and Confer process. Any

interested certified member of the department / program / cluster may apply for the department posted

position subject to the regular selection and appointment process.

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B. The term of an Instructional Leader or program manager will be one school year and the filling of these

positions will follow the procedure below :

  • Instructional Leader evaluation to be conducted no later than March 1st.
  • After Instructional Leader evaluations, all departments and members will be informed of the

ability to be considered for IL for the following school year.

  • Any interested certified member of the department / program / cluster may apply for the
  • department posted position subject to the regular selection and appointment process.

  • The current IL subject to the evaluation process, may be considered for concurrent terms and
  • if there are no applicants other than the current IL, the principal may appoint the IL to continue

    for the next school year.

  • If there are more applicants than the current IL, interviews will be held.
  • C. When Instructional Leader vacancies occur, the principal and CTA unit chair will conduct a meeting

    by April 15 (or when a vacancy occurs) for all members of all affected departments. Requirements for

    selection will be reviewed. At this meeting, each department will set a date to elect a department


    D. At the department meeting, a member of the department who is not an applicant for the vacant position

    will be elected by secret ballot by members of the department / program / cluster. The department

    representative may gather information regarding chair selection from his / her department members.

    E. The principal and elected representative of the department / program / cluster, will interview

    prospective applicants from the department / program / cluster based on the following criteria :

    1. Demonstrates a commitment to high learning expectations for all students.

    2. Demonstrates a commitment to teaching excellence.

    3. Demonstrates a commitment to professional development for their department or program.

    4. Demonstrates effective collaborative communication and organizational skills.

    5. Demonstrates knowledge of District curriculum and effective instructional practices.

    6. Demonstrates imitative and follow-through in implementing activities in their department or


    7. Demonstrates knowledge and application of the certificated evaluation system. In the event that

    the members of a department / program / cluster cannot agree on a teacher member to meet with

    the principal, the principal shall appoint a teacher from the department / program / cluster to serve

    in that role.

    The principal and the teacher member of the interview committee will attempt to reach consensus on

    a recommendation for the position.

    If all teachers in a given department / program / cluster are applicants for the Instructional Leader

    position, the CTA unit chair or designee will serve with the principal to make the recommendation for

    the position. The principal’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Talent Division.

    F. All openings will be advertised on campus by April 15 annually. Selections will be made and posted

    by May 1st. Exceptions to the Instructional Leader selection process may be made at the discretion of

    the principal in the event that fifty percent or more of the teaching positions are unfilled within a given

    department / program / cluster. Instructional Leader selections will be made no later than September

    G. If there are no members of the department / program / cluster willing to be applicants, or if no members

    of the department / program / cluster are recommended in the above procedures, the position will be

    advertised District-wide. Members of the department who applied for the position during the first

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    advertisement will not be permitted to apply. Applicants must be from an appropriate teaching

    discipline. The principal will conduct the interview and forward the name of the recommended

    applicant by May 20 to the Talent Division.

    The recommended applicant may not be chosen