Oral Roberts University invites applications for part-time adjunct faculty positions. Apply now!
Special Note : Applications received for an online adjunct instructor will be considered as needed.
Candidates must have a master's degree in the teaching field (doctoral degree is required to teach graduate-level courses). Experience is a plus.
The candidate must have access to a computer and commit to daily monitoring of your class, responding quickly to student questions, grading, etc.
We seek a person committed to the Christian lifestyle of the ORU community of faith and to academic excellence.
ORU online offerings :
Business Administration
Christian Caregiving and Counseling - Doctoral degree required, only accepting bilingual applications at this time.
Digital Communication
English Language Learning (Certificate) - Doctoral degree required; not accepting applications at this time
Financial Management
Healthcare Administration
Historical and Philosophical Theology - Doctoral degree required; not accepting applications at this time.
Human Resource Management
Information Technology
International Business and Ministry
Leadership Studies - Doctoral degree required
Liberal Studies
Psychology - Not accepting applications at this time
Special Education (Certificate) - Not accepting applications at this time
Spirit-Empowered Living (Certificate) (Offered in English and in Spanish) - Doctoral degree required, only accepting bilingual applications at this time.
Spirit-Empowered Ministry (Certificate) (Offered in English and in Spanish) - Doctoral degree required, only accepting bilingual applications at this time.
Spirit-Empowered Leadership (Certificate) (Offered in English and in Spanish) - Doctoral degree required, only accepting bilingual applications at this time.