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- Richmond, VA
- senior art director
Senior art director Jobs in Richmond, VA
- Promoted
Senior Development Director
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationRichmond, VA, United States- Promoted
Digital Art Instructor
Athletes Global CorporationRichmond, VA, United States- Promoted
Senior Director, Customer Support Leader (Remote)
Hispanic Technology Executive CouncilRichmond, VA, United StatesSoftware Engineering Senior Director
TruistRichmond VAArt Director
Artech LLCRichmond, VA- Promoted
Senior Facilities Director
ESFMRichmond, VA, USArt Director
MindlanceRichmond, VASenior Account Director
LumenVirginia- Promoted
Senior Director of Human Resources
Atlantic Constructors, Inc.Richmond, VA, USSenior Director, Rent Analytics
CoStar GroupVA Richmond, US- Promoted
Teacher - Art
Virginia Home For Boys and GirlsHenrico, VA, USArt Adjunct
Virginia Community CollegesChesterfield, United StatesSenior Managing Director
Vishay Precision Group, Inc.Richmond, VA, USSenior Director - Ambulatory Operations
VCU HealthRichmond, Virginia, USSenior Managing Director
Vishay Precision GroupRichmond, VA, USDigital Art Instructor
Athletes GlobalRichmond, Virginia, United StatesSenior Director, Complex Investigations
Capital OneRichmond, VAArt
Commonwealth of VirginiaAugusta CountyArt Teacher
UMFSRichmond, VA, US- Promoted
Executive Director / Administrator - Senior Living
Vitality LivingRichmond, VA, USSenior Development Director
Cystic Fibrosis FoundationRichmond, VA, United StatesThe Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is a leading healthcare nonprofit organization like no other. For decades, we have been taking major steps and pioneering new ways to advance the mission to find a cure for cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care.
We are the global leader in the search for a cure for cystic fibrosis and nearly every CF drug and therapy available today was made possible because of CF Foundation support. We did this not only for the close to 40,000 people living in the U.S. with CF - and the estimated 105,000 people worldwide - but for the people with CF and families who have worked tirelessly to support the mission.
These achievements have required dedication and unwavering commitment from a talented team of CF Foundation employees. We promote an environment that attracts and retains a diverse group of talented people who are passionate about eradicating this disease . Join us and you will join an amazing team, devoted to our community, and our mission.
Position Description
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CF Foundation) and its employees embrace their commitment to its core values. These core values are the pillars on which the CF Foundation stand and will continue to sustain us as we move forward.
Keep sight of what really matters : Our decisions are based on what is best for people with cystic fibrosis and their families.
Aspire for excellence in all we do : We take pride in our work. We are committed to continuous learning and improvement.
Stronger together : We collaborate and work together so that we can learn more and achieve more.
Innovate with courage : We embrace challenges. We reach beyond boundaries in pursuit of our vision.
Care about our people : We deeply care about each other and all who support our shared mission. We listen with respect. We support one another.
We are a nonprofit, donor-supported organization that has raised and invested billions of dollars to help develop cystic fibrosis therapies that have changed the lives of people with this disease. Nearly every CF medicine available today was made possible because of Foundation support.
Responsible for developing fundraising events or programs that will ensure financial growth by executing CFF best practices in compliance with CFF policies and procedures. Provides coaching and mentoring to assigned staff. May be assigned direct reports and / or participate in performance reviews. Carries out responsibilities in a manner that supports a collaborative, donor-centric culture.
In all aspects of their role, the Senior Development Director strives to deliver quality results in a manner that is respectful and supportive of others and to help build a strong team environment that fosters creative and innovative ways to improve the lives of those with CF and their families.
Fundr a i s ing
Accountable for revenue of assigned events (Minimum of 3 priority events, campaigns, and / or programmatic initiatives.At least one of which must be revenue generating).
D e v e l op s f u n d r a isi n g p l an s a n d b ud g e ts de s i g ne d to a c h i e v e gr o w th o v e r p r i or y ear.
En s u r e s k e y f und r a isi n g be st p r a cti c e s are followed a n d key performance b en c h m a r ks a r e a c h i e v ed.
I de n t i f i e s, r e c r u it s , c u lt i v a t e s ne w c o r po r a te s pon s o r s, c o mm i t t e e m e m b e r s, c ha i r s, a n d v o l un t ee r s.
R ene w s an d up gr ade s pa r tici p a n ts, c o m m it t e e m e m be r s, a n d s p o n s o r s.
N e t w o r ks w ith CF f a m i l i e s, p a ti en t s , v o l un t e e r s, m a j o r d o no r s a n d c or po r a te s pon s o r s to up gr ad e a n d r e c r u it ne w bu si ne s s.
R e c r u its, t r a i n s an d c u l ti v a t e s f u n d r a isi n g ho n o r ee s, t e a m l e ade r s, a nd c o m m itt e e m e m be r s.
Partners with Executive Director to identify potential board members and assists ED with chapter wide volunteer recruitment and stewardship.
I de n t i f i e s a n d a ssists w ith c u lti v a ti o n o f p r o s pe cts f o r I n d i v i dua l Givi n g and r e g i ona l / na t i ona l c o r p or a te p a r tici pa ti o n.
D e v e l op s s pon s o r s h ip p r opo s a ls.
C ondu c ts c o r po ra te re c r u it m e n t e v en ts.
E v a l ua t e s e ff e cti v ene s s o f e v en t s ; c o ndu c ts p o st e v en t w r a p u p a n d e v a l ua ti on m e e ti n gs.
P l an s, i m p l e m e n ts, a n d a t t e n d s e v en ts.
See ks un d e r w r iti n g , i n - ki n d d ona t i on s an d a u cti o n it e m s.
E du ca t ion / S e r v i c e
Organizes frequent community engagement opportunities to help inform prospective and current volunteers about the CF Foundation's mission, fundraising events, programs, and services.
Communicates about CF Compass and its multifaceted service opportunities to key leaders, event participants, care team members and CF community members.
Works in partnership with CF community members to ensure that those impacted by the disease play an integral role in the organization.
A cc u r a t e ly c o m m un ic a t e s a n d r a is e s a w a r ene ss ab o u t CF a n d t h e w o r k o f t h e C y stic Fi b r o sis F oun d a ti o n a t e v en ts a n d o t her F oun d a ti o n - s pon s o r e d p r o gr a m s.
Recruits' community advocates and broadly communicates national advocacy messages.
Demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of care center staff. Refers CF patients and family members to area accredited care centers as necessary.
Stays up to date on the drug development pipeline, educational resources and tools available on CFF.org for the purpose of communicating current and relevant CF information.
Assures that community engagement opportunities, events, and meetings organized by CFF, support the wellbeing of people with CF.
Fin a n c i a l / A dmini s t r a t i v e
Completes all required training and maintains current knowledge of all financial and accounting systems and procedures.
Records and enters constituent information into record-keeping system to facilitate the cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship processes of the Foundation.
Prepares forms, materials, and reports for assigned events and submits post-event follow up documentation in a timely manner.
Accurately forecasts revenue and tracks expenses for assigned events.
Carries out all financial and accounting responsibilities in compliance with audit procedures.
8 o r m o r e y ea r s o f f un d r a isi n g / s a l e s e x pe r i e n ce.
F ou r- y ea r de gr e e o r eq u i v a l en t edu c a ti on / e x pe r i en ce r e q u i r ed.
G oo d c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e skills.
S t r on g v o l un t ee r m a n ag e m en t e x pe r i en ce.
S t r on g a t t en t i o n t o d e t a il.
W o r ki n g k no w l ed g e o f M ic r o s o f t O f f ice i n cl ud i n g O u tl oo k , W o r d , E x c el.
S t r on g i n t e rp e r s o n a l s kills ( v e r ba l an d w r itt e n ) ne c e ss a r y to c o m m u n ic a te d i p l o m a t i c a lly an d e ff e cti v e ly w i t h v o l un t ee r s, d o no r s, a n d s t a ff.
- Reports to the Area Director. No direct reports.
W o r k n i g h ts an d w ee k end s a s n e c e ss a r y to a tt e n d m e e ti n g s a n d e v en ts.
M u st ha v e a c c e ss to r e li ab le t ra n s p o r t a ti o n a n d a b ility to t r a v e l to m ee ti n g s or e v en ts a t d i f f e re n t l o c a ti on s.
Use o f c o m pu t e r r e q u i r ed.
So m e h ea v y li f ti n g m a y b e r e q u i r ed.
The above is intended to describe the general content of and requirements for the performance of this job. It is not to be construed as an exhaustive statement of essential functions, responsibilities or requirements.
This position will be posted for a minimum of 5 days or until the position is filled. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis, so candidates are encouraged to apply promptly if interested.
The salary range is $79,400.00 to $99,300.00. Specific salary varies based on geographic location and is commensurate with experience.
Total Rewards : The CF Foundation is committed to offering competitive compensation (base pay and incentive), benefits, and professional development opportunities that maximize our ability to recruit, retain, reward, and motivate a highly qualified and diverse workforce. Our comprehensive benefits package includes medical, dental, and vision coverage; a holistic well-being program; health savings and flexible spending accounts; employer-provided life and disability insurance; retirement savings benefits; and a variety of work-life benefits to support employees and their family members. In addition, the CF Foundation offers full-time employees 20 days of vacation and 10 days of sick per year, prorated based on hire date, as well as 14 paid holidays, 2 personal days, and a variety of generous leave benefits. Visit our Why Work at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation page to learn more.
The CF Foundation is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to being an employer of choice, not just a good place to work, but a great and inclusive place to work. We strive to recruit and maintain a diverse workforce. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, physical or mental disability, color, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, religion, age, sex, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information or testing, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran or any characteristic protected by law.
Reasonable Accommodations : The CF Foundation is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or would like to request an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at [email protected].