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How to become a Marketing Manager?

1 Answer(s)
Top Answer
Talent.com talent.com
Answered June 07 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
If you're interested in the field of marketing, the first step is generally to earn a Bachelor's degree in marketing. Marketing programs are usually nested into business schools, so on top of courses in marketing, you will also probably take some foundational courses in accounting, management, and business analytics. 

Many marketing programs also include an experiential component such as work-study or internship. These offer great real-world experiences and allow you to determine if marketing is a good fit for you. 

Once you graduate, you will need to build on-the-job experience. Most Marketing Managers have at least five years of experience working in marketing departments under someone else before moving up the ladder to a managerial role. 

An MBA is not an essential component to being a Marketing Manager but can help you stand out in a field of candidates looking to get into management positions. 

What Can Help You Become a Marketing Manager
  • Keep up with industry trends.
Marketing is a broad field, and best practices are constantly changing. Follow some marketing blogs and listen to podcasts dedicated to marketing topics you find interesting. This will help you stay on top of trends and know where the industry is going. 
  • Volunteer or intern. 
Most Marketing Managers come to the role with some experience. If you have the time and ability, volunteer or intern work is a great way to gain experience and diversify your resume. 
  • Join marketing associations. 
These associations are a great way to network and build contacts in the industry. Their newsletters, webinars, and events are great for getting information and breaking into the field. Some popular associations include the American Marketing Association and the Association of International Product Marketing and Management. 
  • Keep learning.
If you meet someone in your work whom you truly admire, ask them to mentor you. If you notice you have a gap in your skillset, such as SEO marketing, take an online course. There is no final endpoint to the knowledge you can gather in marketing, so stay curious and challenge yourself to continue to grow.