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How to become a Nanny?

2 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered August 02 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
Nannying is a largely unregulated profession with no formal requirements other than being good with children. Many families will ask for references and possibly perform a police check to trust their children to a Nanny’s care. However, there is no formal training or education required to becoming a Nanny.  

 Many Nannies start by working as babysitters and getting experience in childcare that way. To prepare for babysitting, you can often take a course offered by the American Red Cross. In this course, you learn the basics of childcare. This includes selecting age-appropriate activities and how to respond in an emergency. The Red Cross also offers a course in first aid and CPR, reassuring prospective parents that their child is in good hands. 

Some Nannies work with families directly, while others may work for agencies. While agencies do take a commission on your pay, they offer benefits such as negotiating your rate and sending a replacement if you’re sick or have an emergency. Many Nannies go on to become certified early childhood educators. With this training, they can ask for higher rates or work in a daycare or preschool. 

Important things to know before becoming a Nanny
  • Some parents will expect you to be a house cleaner as well.
If the children are napping, it’s commonly acceptable for Nannies to wash up some dishes and tidy up toys. If families expect you to do heavier housework such as vacuuming or laundry, they should be clear about these expectations, and the heavier workload should be reflected in your pay. 
  • The more courses you take, the better your pay. 
You can take courses in early childhood education or train to be a paraeducator through local community colleges, the Red Cross, and other organizations. These certifications are helpful not only in your daily work with children but also in giving you ammunition to negotiate higher pay. 
  • You will get attached to the children. 
Many Nannies report that the best part of the job is spending time with children. The hardest part of the job? Saying goodbye to the children when they outgrow the need for a Nanny. 
Answered September 05 2022
I'm a mother and grandmother who loves children.

To take care of children and watch over their safety and nutrition. To help expand their lives in learning and playing. To give the children the care as you would give your children fully and responsibility. To help the parents feel that they are safe and well taken care of. To give the parents a sense of safety and relief all is done in their treatment of their family. To give comfort and quality care. To know what medical conditions they may have and apply those medical care. To help with house care and provide meals and all meals that applies for the care of the children. 
