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How to become a Tailor?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered September 14 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
There is no single path to becoming a tailor or seamstress, however, most have at least a high school diploma or GED. There are several ways by which Tailors can hone their sewing skills to seek out gainful employment. 

The most important skill in a tailor’s toolbox is the ability to sew and construct garments. There are many ways to learn how to sew. You can start by reading books, watching online tutorials, and teach yourself. 

If you would prefer to go to a specialized college, there are many fashion schools that offer programs in sewing and tailoring. These schools also offer courses on design and patternmaking, so you have a holistic view of the clothing production process. 

Many community colleges or technical colleges offer standalone courses as well. These courses are generally less expensive while still equipping you with the essential skills to succeed. Many schools will have you complete several projects with increasing difficulty so you can feel confident in your abilities in the real world. 

What can help you become a Tailor
Becoming a successful Tailor can be challenging, but here are a few tips to set yourself up on the path to success:
  • Keep learning!
There is so much free content about sewing and patterns out there, from podcasts to books, to online video courses. Setting aside some time to continue to refine your skills will only help you improve over time.
  • Work as an apprentice.
Working as an apprentice under the supervision of an experienced Tailor will help you learn so much about the ins and outs of the trade. You will get invaluable firsthand experience and have a mentor to whom you can go with any questions.
  • Develop your people skills. 
Tailoring is all about working with people to achieve the fit they want. Work on your communication skills, practice active listening, and think about what questions you need to be answered so you can do your job properly. 