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How to become a Voice Actor?

1 Answer(s)
Top Answer
Talent.com talent.com
Answered March 03 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
There is no single path to becoming a Voice Actor. However, it is important to note that voice acting is acting. Training and experience in drama, improv, and character study is a foundational step to becoming a successful Voice Actor.

If voice acting is the specific field of drama you want to hone in on, it is worth investing in voice coaching. Voice coaches often specialize in a niche area of voice acting so that you can work with dedicated experts in that field. Many voice coaches can teach via videoconferencing, so you are not limited by geographical proximity. Voice coaches can teach you how to take care of your voice, build stamina to finish longer projects, and coach you on specific techniques that will get you hired. 

Most Voice Actors live in Los Angeles for animation, film, and television work. Many advertising agencies have their headquarters in New York, so many Voice Actors work there as well. The main anime dubbing studio for the North American market is based in Dallas, so there is a range of cities that you can work in for a steady income. If you want to be a Voice Actor and work from home, you need to invest in a proper home studio. This investment can be expensive, but if you already have a roster of clients, it can be worth it. 

Successful Voice Actors all have demo reels, which are edited reels of them doing different kinds of voice work to show prospective agents and employers. 

What Can Help you Become a Voice Actor
Beyond training and preparing a demo reel, there a few things you can do to lay the foundation to become a successful Voice Actor.  

  • Practice
Voice acting is a particular skill that can be honed, but you need a strong vocal instrument at the base. Practice reading different kinds of texts out loud, singing, improv, anything that requires you to use your voice in different ways. Listen to yourself back and consider ways you can improve.  

  • Rudimentary Audio Editing Skills
When you are just starting, you may need to do some of your audio editing independently. Learning a simple program like Garage Band or Audacity will help you make small adjustments and put out quality work.  

  • Equipment
You do not need a $4000 microphone right out the gate, but to record auditions, you will at the very least need a computer and a microphone. There are many articles online that guide you through home studio setup, and it's worth taking some time to do some research about what works for you. As your career grows, you can start investing in more high-end equipment.