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What does a Delivery Driver do?

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Talent.com talent.com
Answered July 05 2022
Career Expert at Talent.com
A Delivery Driver's job is to transport goods from one location to another. This may involve driving a motorcycle, automobile, van, small truck, and bicycle. Delivery Drivers may work for various businesses, including restaurants, grocery stores, and package delivery companies. 
The work environment for a Delivery Driver can vary depending on the type of business they work for. For example, restaurant Delivery Drivers may have to contend with traffic and bad weather when making deliveries. Package Delivery Drivers may have to lift heavy boxes and navigate busy streets. Regardless of the work environment, Delivery Drivers must be able to safely operate their vehicles and follow all traffic laws. 
Their daily tasks may include inspecting their vehicle prior to departure and reporting any malfunction or repairs, verifying a list of packages to deliver as well as addresses and routes, and keeping records of all deliveries and returns they make.  
Delivery Drivers typically work full-time hours and may be required to work on weekends and holidays. Some companies offer flexible schedules, which can be a great option for those with family obligations or other commitments. 

Average day of a Delivery Driver
Here’s a non-exhaustive list of common tasks Delivery Drivers are required to complete: 
  • Load packages to be delivered, taking special care of fragile parcels 
  • Verify the list of packages against shipping papers 
  • Establish the best route to deliver packages 
  • Read maps and check delivery addresses 
  • Inspect vehicles before departure, checking gas, oil, and cooling fluid levels, any malfunctioning parts, and breaks, wipers, and lights 
  • Drive vehicles and follow pre-established routes, adhering to traffic laws and regulations and parking at designated areas to deliver packages 
  • Take back packages when delivery is not possible 
  • Collect signed receipts, if any, and charge fares when necessary 
  • Keep a record of all delivered packages 
  • Document all delivered packages with their information 
  • Turn in reports of delivery to headquarters 
  • Return packages that weren’t able to be delivered 
  • Report emergencies, delays, or accidents 
  • Notify headquarters of any incident and request assistance when necessary 
  • Make minor repairs to the vehicle, change tires, and add cooling fuel to the vehicle when necessary 