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What does a School Principal do?

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Answered August 30 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
School Principals serve as leaders and managers of an elementary, middle, or high school. They assist and manage teachers, counselors, and all other staff. They coordinate curriculums and create a school environment that is conducive to learning. 

Principals oversee the academic activities of the school. They set academic goals and ensure that their staff and teachers have the resources and support to meet those goals. Principals may also establish and oversee additional activities such as counseling, after-school care, and other extracurriculars. 

Principals are also often consulted to deal with student behaviors and work with parents and teachers to find solutions for children and teens with behavioral issues. 

In public schools, Principals are also in charge of implementing the state, federal, and school district programs and regulations. They prepare reports and assess their school's performance based on the guidelines determined by these various levels of government. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a School Principal
  • Provide strategic direction in the school.
  • Oversee school activities and staff, including teachers and educational support workers.
  • Create class schedules.
  • Design and implement curriculum standards and evaluation procedures. 
  • Meet with students, either for counseling or disciplinary purposes. 
  • Sit in on classes to observe teachers and evaluate their job performance.
  • Meet with parents and teachers to discuss students' progress and behavior.
  • Prepare reports on student and teacher performances based on requirements from the school district, state, and federal governments.
  • Coordinate professional development programs and workshops for staff to deepen subject matter expertise or learn new pedagogical techniques. 
  • Oversee the school's budget, order school supplies, and schedule building maintenance. 
  • Create and coordinate security procedures for students, staff, and visitors.
  • Encourage parent involvement and meet with parent associations to discuss concerns and school events. 
  • Attend school functions such as sports games, plays, and concerts to establish a strong connection with students, parents, and staff.