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What does a Senior Manager do?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered October 04 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
Senior Managers are in charge of planning and overseeing the work of the employees working under their authority. Depending on their specific company and industry, their duties might vary, but they usually have some commonalities in leadership and supervision activities. 

Senior Managers provide clarity and overall goal setting for their teams. Senior Managers may have more junior managers reporting to them and giving them updates on the work being done in their teams. Senior managers often oversee the main functions of a company (finance, marketing, etc.) and provide strategic direction for their departments. 

Other daily tasks that may fall under a Senior Manager's purview include hiring and firing staff, monitoring a departmental budget, and overall supervision of employee performance. Senior managers also have to make strong leadership decisions and guide their teams to success. 

Roles and responsibilities of a Senior Manager
  • Plan the organizational activities by establishing tasks, objectives, and priorities.
  • Create a detailed action plan by mapping out the necessary steps and organizing them into a logical pattern. 
  • Communicate the organization's direction and vision to employees.
  • Develop, implement, coordinate, review, evaluate, and improve business procedures, policies, and organizational activities and initiatives.
  • Formulate, approve, and implement organizational policies, programs, and other internal campaigns.
  • Provide directions and explanations, delegating authority as required.
  • Monitor and control project progress, objectives, and costs against the established schedule and budget
  • Control budgets, liaise with partners and investors and collaborate with the Sales, Marketing, and Accounting departments to discuss strategies and ensure the financial and overall success of the organization's projects.
  • Oversee the human activity of all departments, authorizing and organizing the establishment of central departments and associated positions.
  • Build relationships with both internal and external stakeholders.