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What does a Taxi Driver do?

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Talent.com talent.com
Answered June 22 2022
Career Expert at Talent.com
A Taxi Driver is a professional driver who transports passengers to their desired destinations using a taxi. Taxi Drivers typically work long hours and may be on call 24 hours a day. They usually work in shifts, which means they may have to work nights, weekends, and holidays.

The job of a Taxi Driver can be stressful, as they are often under time pressure to pick up and drop off passengers in a timely manner. They also deal with traffic congestion and aggressive driving. In addition, Taxi Drivers must be familiar with the streets and landmarks in their city or town.

Many Taxi Drivers are self-employed, which means they own their own taxi cab. However, some drivers work for a taxi company or as independent contractors. Taxi Drivers typically earn a commission for each fare and receive tips from passengers.

The work environment for Taxi Drivers can be dangerous, as they are at risk of being attacked or robbed by passengers. In addition, Taxi Drivers may be exposed to traffic accidents.

Average day of a Taxi Driver 
Here's a non-exhaustive list of common tasks Taxi Drivers are required to complete:
  • Check vehicle equipment to ensure proper functioning
  • Test lights, windows, brakes, horn, locks, and wipers
  • Check motor oil, coolant fluid, and fuel levels
  • Inspect tires' condition and air pressure
  • Inform dispatchers or company of any malfunction
  • Contact dispatchers, companies, passengers and customers
  • Stay alert for passengers hailing them from the streets
  • Pick up passengers, parking the car at a designated area where passengers may board
  • Assist passengers with limited mobility and baggage
  • Ensure all passengers are properly seated and their seatbelts fastened
  • Drive passengers to their destination, adhering to traffic laws and regulations and ensuring the passenger's safety throughout the journey
  • Respond accordingly to accidents and emergencies
  • Report any accident or malfunction (e.g., crashes, flat tires, or breakdowns) to dispatchers or company
  • Perform minor mechanical repairs when possible
  • Assist passengers with a medical emergency by providing first aid care, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and drive passengers to a medical institution when necessary
  • Keep records of fares, journeys, and working hours and turn in reports to dispatchers or company