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What is a Bodyguard?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered August 30 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
A Bodyguard is a type of Security Guard specializing in protecting a person or group of people from all kinds of dangers (e.g., theft, assault, kidnapping, assassination, and harassment). The usual clients and employers of a Bodyguard are wealthy people, high-ranking government officials, and celebrities. Bodyguards generally work in groups to provide round-the-clock protection to their employers.

The number of Bodyguards protecting a single person can vary depending on the person. Heads of state and other important government officials usually have an entire team of Bodyguards protecting them. This is known as a Security Detail and is something mainly reserved for VIPs.

The position of a Bodyguard has been romanticized by mainstream media, with many people believing their role is fighting crowds and acting like action movie heroes. However, the tasks of a Bodyguard are much more ordinary. They rely heavily on preparation, contingency plans, and teamwork to cover all possible variables. Bodyguard teams work with tactical strategies and coordination. They work as a single unit to protect their employers by completing a series of tasks.

Personality of a Bodyguard
Bodyguards need to be alert, analytical, and constantly vigilant. They must ensure that the safety of their client is protected and maintained at all times. Here are some other personality traits that can help you become a successful Bodyguard:
  • Conflict De-Escalating Skills
Bodyguards are not hired to create conflict; they protect their clients from potentially dangerous situations. Being good at spotting potential conflicts and calmly de-escalating the problem is an essential skill that Bodyguards need to rely on. 
  • Communication Skills
Bodyguards need to communicate clearly with their client and their teammates if applicable. This communication can be critical in an emergency.
  • Professionalism
Bodyguards must always be courteous, polite, and professional. You are there to keep your client safe, not put on a show. 