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What is a Concierge?

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Talent.com talent.com
Answered April 21 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
A concierge is a person, usually in a hotel or resort, who assists guests with various tasks such as reservations, arranging spa services, arranging outings and activities, or even coordinating parcel shipment or reception. 

Besides hotels and resorts, the term personal concierge is sometimes used to describe a lifestyle manager or personal assistant. 

Many hospitals have also started employing concierges to fill the gaps between social and medical services. They assist patients and families with tasks like coordinating pet care, prescription pickup, or travel arrangements. Patients and families appreciate these services. They provide additional comfort for patients and families without adding to the duties of nurses and social workers. 

Many airports also provide concierge services. An airport concierge will greet travelers from their arrival and assist them with checking in, security, and getting them boarded to their flight.  These services are helpful for people who are elderly, large families, or unaccompanied minors. 

Personality of a Concierge
  • An interest in the town or city you live in.
    • Think of concierges as mini ambassadors for the city they live in. They need to know their city and make recommendations to guests based on their preferences. Where should guests go if they like hiking? Art? Shopping? A concierge has to have that passion for promoting their town and a desire to show it off to guests. 
  • Great listening skills.
    • Sometimes guests will not say what they want to do but instead will give clues. For example, they may say they are morning people who don’t like crowds. It is up to the concierge to interpret that and send them to a cozy breakfast spot a little off the beaten path. 

  • Great customer service skills.
    • Concierges are all about helping guests feel welcome and provide helpful tips and experiences. Sometimes, guests can be demanding, have crazy requests or be rude. It’s up to the concierge to rely on their top-notch customer service skills to be polite and courteous, no matter the guest. 