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What is a Neurologist?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered February 23 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
A Neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and non-surgical management of issues that affect the nervous system. The nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system. Surgical management of neurological problems is relegated to neurosurgeons who work with Neurologists but are specially qualified to perform surgery.  

Medical issues addressed by Neurologists include Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS and injuries such as aneurysms and spinal injuries. Neurologists are also the primary doctors for people who have strokes, which are the 5th leading cause of death and the 1st leading cause of disability in the United States. 

After medical school, many Neurologists may take fellowships in more specialized neurology fields such as vascular neurology, movement disorders, and epilepsy. It may mean that you still need to complete another 4-6 years of training after medical school. 

Because Neurologists often work with patients who have chronic and/or degenerative issues, they get to build long-term relationships with their patients, which can be very rewarding.  

Personality of a Neurologist
A Neurologist's stereotype is someone who enjoys reading, talking, and explaining to others what they have learned. They are fascinated by the brain and all of its functions. 

 Neurologists should also possess the following personality traits: 

  • Investigative
Neurologists are investigative people who enjoy looking over various data such as patient reports and brain scans to decide diagnosis and treatment methods. 

  • Excellent Bedside Manner
Because neurology means working with people who sometimes have moderately severe conditions, you need to have a gentle touch and understand that patients will have a lot of fear and many questions about their conditions.  

  • Receptive to New Therapies and Tests
Neurology is a rapidly changing field, and considerable improvements in patient health outcomes have been made in the last 20 years, making for an exciting area of medicine. It also means that Neurologists have to stay on top of research and be open to trying the latest therapies.