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What is a Pilot?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered February 09 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
A Pilot is responsible for flying fixed-winged aircraft and helicopters to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. They usually work for airlines and transportation companies. Airline Pilots work specifically for corporate airlines, whereas Commercial Pilots operate charters or private aircraft. Private individuals or companies hire the latter to fly their aircraft.   
Pilots usually travel predetermined routes and those created by the airline or company. The journey length and cargo type will vary depending on the company or the customer’s needs. Flying an aircraft requires significant skill, practice, and a particular set of qualifications.  
Most aircraft typically require two Pilots at a time during a flight. One of whom is the Captain, who is the designated Pilot in command of the plane. The other Pilot aboard is called the Co-Pilot or First Officer, and their role is to assist the Captain. The Captain is responsible for the safety of the aircraft, its passengers, and the cargo. The Pilots take turns flying the plane to avoid fatigue and safety hazards. While one of the Pilots is operating the controls, the other is in constant communication with ground air traffic control and carries out the necessary paperwork and calculations. Sometimes, depending on the distance of a route or the type of vessel they’re flying, there can be three or more pilots on board to take turns at the controls and carry out other tasks as well. 

Personality of a Pilot 

  • They are strong communicators 
While on the job, Pilots need to communicate with all parties involved in the flight properly. The passengers and Flight Attendants (if applicable), other Pilots, and the ground control are all a part of this intricate network. Communication is critical for Pilots due to the nature of the job, where errors could lead to significant accidents or incidents. Throughout the flight, Pilots are in constant communication with air traffic control, and in the event of an emergency, they need to act accordingly.  
  • They are team player's
Pilots often work and participate in a team setting, which includes their fellow Pilots and cabin crew. The team structure will usually change, so being an adaptable team player is a valuable characteristic.   
  • They are calm & collected  
As a pilot, you are in charge of the aircraft, and this means that it is crucial to remain calm and collected in times of turbulence or any other stressful situations. Becoming a Pilot is not the right career path for anxious or nervous personalities.