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What is an Archaeologist?

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Answered June 28 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
Archaeologists are the social scientists involved in the study of archeology. They study the behaviors of humans through the lens of objects and materials excavated from archeological sites.

Archeology is one of the four main branches of anthropology. It is the study and analysis of human activity through the recovery of material culture. The discipline involves surveying, excavating, and analyzing data to learn more about the past. The study of archeology borrows from the humanities, social sciences, biology, and geography. 

Archeology is a vast field of study with many sub-specializations within it. Some Archaeologists focus on a particular region, such as Latin America or the Middle East. Other Archaeologists study ancient plants or specialize in human remains. Finally, underwater archaeologists study remains of human activities that have been swept up by water on coasts. 

An archaeological site is any site in which there are physical relics of human activity. Archaeologists visit these sites and use the relics to inform our knowledge of the past. 

Personality of an Archaeologist
Archaeologists tend to be investigative people, which means they are curious and like doing lots of research to answer their questions. They also want to be methodical in their approach to study and test hypotheses and gather data. Other skills and personality traits that can help you become a successful Archaeologist are:
  • Analytical Skills
Archaeologists need to have a strong understanding of research methods and data analysis. This is a foundational principle to their work. Archaeologists do not make assumptions; they study evidence, gather data, and draw scientific conclusions. 
  • Communication Skills 
Archaeologists often have to present their findings in papers, write reports to funding sources, and present at conferences. All these activities require strong written and verbal communication skills. 
  • Physical Stamina
While on a site, Archaeologist spend long hours outside. They also sometimes must carry their gear for several miles as sites can often be remote. You do not need to be an Olympic athlete for this job, but good physical stamina and overall health are important to complete the work. 