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What does a Creative Director do?

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Talent.com talent.com
Answered July 30 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
Creative Directors are responsible for the approval of the creative output of a company. The title Creative Director, or CD, is often accompanied by another executive-level title like VP, as their role is much more administrative. Creative Directors, in a sense, are managers. They manage the creative departments day-to-day.  
The duties of a Creative Director can fluctuate from place to place, but in most cases, they review pieces of creative work and give their opinion. They guide creatives (often artists, writers, musicians, etc.) to find a big idea, inspiring new ways of thinking about a solution to a problem (in the case of advertising), or sparking an alternative path towards a satisfying outcome for a product (in the case of companies like Marvel, Chanel, or Nintendo).  
Creative Directors are often very experienced in their respective fields. They typically come with a background made up of the same skills as the people they are responsible for looking after and have usually worked their way up from that same job, making them out to be accomplished creatives in their own right. Though it is rare to have a creative director themselves get involved in the practical details of actual creation, sometimes, after rounds and rounds of going back to the drawing board, they may step in and handle the project more closely.

Roles and responsibilities of a Creative Director
  • Establishing the company’s creative philosophy, objectives, and strategies that will lead their creative output 
  • Developing creative strategies for marketing, advertising, and branding campaigns 
  • Conceiving and implementing concepts and guidelines in the execution of creative projects and overseeing them to completion 
  • Ensuring the quality and coherence of visuals and messaging, as well as interactive and motion designs  
  • Supervising, mentoring, motivating, and monitoring the performance of the creative team to ensure the overall efficiency of daily operations 
  • Assigning, overseeing, and monitoring Copywrite design and other creative tasks 
  • Coordinating brainstorming sessions with the creative staff to generate ideas 
  • Keeping up-to-date and ensuring that employees are on top of branding, marketing, advertising trends, and technological advances 
  • Establishing schedules for short-term and long-term projects, planning tasks accordingly, and ensuring goals and deadlines are met 
  • Ensuring that the execution of all creative work stays within budget 
  • Assisting the Human Resources department in hiring and managing freelance and full-time Copywriters, Graphic Designers, and other creative team members 
  • Liaising with the Sales, Marketing, and Advertising teams to interpret the client’s vision and turn it into a tangible and deliverable product  
  • Setting up meetings with clients to understand their goals, needs, and expectations and summarizing critical information to colleagues and employees. 
  • Researching references, statistics, and trends related to their clients’ industries 
  • Presenting final layout and ensuring clients understand the proposal to obtain their approval and ensure their satisfaction in executing the initiatives provided.  