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What does a Plumber do?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered July 12 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
Plumbers primarily install and repair pipes that supply water and gas. Additionally, plumbers might be tasked with any number of duties related to carrying waste away from homes and businesses. Experienced plumbers might install fixtures and appliances that function with water and work alongside other construction workers, carpenters, and electricians to perform tasks in tandem.  
Plumbers respond to work requests and calls for several reasons, and they may need to troubleshoot all problems and decide, within reason, how best to fix them. A deep dive into the day-to-day of a plumber could see them handling cases of installation, clearing obstructions from drains, carrying sewage from businesses or draining septic tanks, repairing pipes and fixtures, visually inspecting craftsmanship of piping, testing water pressure, and presenting recommendations to customers based on their analysis of each unique situation.  
Plumbers often maintain their private businesses, preferring to work for themselves, maintaining self-employment status, rather than working for a corporation. As a result, they are regarded as self-starters and will often need to learn or teach themselves the ins and outs of becoming a businessperson. Plumbers may also see their schedule change to fit the job at hand. Working on evenings and weekends, as well as overtime, is common. Due to the water and its status as a human right, plumbers may respond to 24/7 emergencies, regularly finding themselves on call.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Plumber
Typical roles and responsibilities for a Plumber include but are not limited to: 
  • Making house calls for homeowners or visiting businesses to work on plumbing repairs such as leaks to water or gas pipes. 
  • Installing fixtures and appliances such as toilets, sinks, and pipefitting.  
  • Working alongside construction workers and other tradespeople to complete a task.  
  • Clearing obstructions from drains, carrying sewage from businesses, or draining septic tanks, repairing pipes and fixtures, visually inspecting piping quality, testing water pressure, and presenting recommendations to customers. 
  • Preparing invoices to receive payment from clients.  
  • Operating a small business and supervising your workforce.  
  • Purchasing equipment for installation.  
  • Using tools and other special equipment on the job. 