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What does a Security Consultant do?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered July 13 2022
Career Expert at Talent.com
The primary responsibility of a Security Consultant is to develop and implement security plans and policies that will protect an organization's assets and employees. They must be able to identify potential security risks and devise strategies to mitigate those risks. 

In some cases, Security Consultants may also be responsible for investigating security breaches and developing incident response plans. Generally speaking, typical duties for Security Consultants include the following: Investigating a client's assets to determine the level of security needed, designing security protocols, plans, and systems, and implementing security measures. They also need to coordinate with the rest of the security team and assign tasks as needed. 

Most Security Consultants work in private companies, providing security services to corporate clients. Some may also work for government agencies or non-profit organizations.

Security Consultants typically work in office environments but may also travel to client sites as needed. They often work regular business hours, but they may be required to work evenings or weekends if they are responding to a security incident.

Average day of a Security Consultant
Here’s a non-exhaustive list of common tasks Security Consultants are required to complete:
  • Interview clients to identify possible security threats
  • Establish the necessary security parameters and decide on the best security measures available
  • Establish security protocols and policies and design security plans to protect the client’s assets
  • Implement security measures, providing technical supervision and advice as required
  • Explain security protocols and measures to clients, as well as all related costs (e.g., staff, equipment, and maintenance)
  • Check with clients for other possible security issues
  • Perform risk assessment tests and analyze possible breaches
  • Design countermeasure plans to eliminate risks as much as possible
  • Write and present reports based on findings
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest security systems, tools, and technology
  • Coordinate a team of security specialists
  • Hire and train new members of the team
  • Assign tasks to each member of the team
  • Create a schedule of work shifts to provide 24-hour protection when needed
  • Assess emergency situations and coordinate an appropriate response