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What does a Tour Guide do?

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Talent.com talent.com
Answered June 03 2022
Career Expert at Talent.com
A Tour Guide is responsible for leading groups of individuals on tours of various locations. This may include tourist attractions, historical sites, trade show floors, and more. They are responsible for providing interesting and informative commentary about the location and ensuring that the group stays together and on schedule.

The work environment for a Tour Guide can vary greatly depending on the specific tour location. For example, a Tour Guide leading a group through a crowded tourist attraction will need to keep track of the group members and ensure that everyone stays together and does not get lost. A Tour Guide leading a corporate group through a trade show floor will need to be able to navigate the facility quickly and efficiently while still providing commentary about the various products and companies on display.

Regardless of location, Tour Guides have some basic tasks in common. They typically hold a pre-briefing about the group, go over any emergency procedures with them, explain points of interest during the trip, answer questions about the tour, and ensure that the group stays together and is safe.

Average day of a Tour Guide 
  • Attend briefing meetings with the Tour Manager concerning important information about the tour group (e.g., age group, interests, and special needs).
  • Greet tourists before starting the tour, learn their names, memorize their faces, and check the number of people in the group.
  • Explain emergency procedures to the group and make sure they understand them.
  • Distribute promotional material about the trip to the tourists.
  • Escort individuals or groups on sightseeing trips, providing information about the history and culture of the places they visit, describing points of interest, and answering any questions.
  • Manage groups of up to thirty people.
  • Drive a motorized vehicle like a bus or a boat when necessary.
  • Ensure that the group adheres to and follows local laws, regulations, or rules of specific destinations.
  • Respond to emergencies, providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or first aid to tourists if needed.
  • Assist tourists with special needs such as senior citizens, people with disabilities, and people with small babies.