Charge Nurse : Yes - they take a patient assignment if needed
Nurse Aides / OB tech : yes - depends on census (1-2 usually)
Weekend Requirement : Every other
Call Requirement : No call required
Holidays : one major and one minor
Scrub Color : Navy
Tele : Nihon Kohden
Vents : No
OB / Neonataologist in house : OB attending 24 hrs
IV Team : No
RT 24 / 7 : Yes
Pharmacy 24 / 7 : Yes
Shifts : 12 hrs 7-7
Floating : Will float to NICU to care for feeders and growers
Floor specific orientation : 3 shifts on unit
Common diagnosis / Types of patients : 20 weeks and above, high risk - blood pressure, multiples, diabetes, no prenatal care, Substance abuse, no gyn surgereis on postpartum
Additional Notes : 13th Largest center for births in California, must have 4 years experience or more working postpartum, travel experience is preferred