Remote Title Examiner -Work from Home
Pay Rate : $45,000 - $65,000 per hour
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We are looking to hire a Remote Title Examiner in FL to work for a National Title Company.
Role and Responsibilities
Performs title examination and examines the chain of title for a wide range of title orders, primarily residential purchase.Analyze and evaluate full title searches and identify issues or matters that cloud title or impair the foreclosure processReview the entire foreclosure action to confirm that the foreclosure was properly conducted and complies with all state and federal requirementsDetermine which liens showing on title were divested or will be divested with the recordation of the Foreclosure DeedAdd appropriate requirements and exceptions to the commitment for issues that will need to be resolved prior to closingAbstracts and analyzes records, such as mortgages, liens, judgments, easements, vital statistics, and plat and map books, to determine ownership and legal restrictions and to verify legal description of property and completeness of recordsResolves most issues such as missing information, incomplete, inaccurate or contradictory information contained in the title documentationPrepares initial title commitment documentation based on the application of procedural guidelinesCommunicate with office staff and clients regarding issues with requested title insurance coverage or defects that may impact the closing of a transaction.Perform other duties as assigned by manager.Qualifications and Education Requirements
Bachelor's degree preferred.5+ years of experience in the title industry, national or regional experience preferred.Work under general supervision.Ability to make well-reasoned risk decisions.Experience utilizing Title Express or similar title software preferred.Knowledge of Green Folders a +.By clicking 'Submit' you are agreeing to JobTracks'By clicking 'Submit' you are agreeing to JobTracks'