Technology Microlearning Internship (Applied Technology)

Technology Microlearning Internship (Applied Technology)

The Clark Hulings FundAlbuquerque, New Mexico, US
30+ days ago
Job type
  • Internship
Job description
  • Project Description : Inspired by SNL and other comedy Writers’ Rooms, our writers work as a team to produce content, from website articles, blurbs, proposals, program descriptions, eblasts, internal communications...you name it.
  • How : Writers meet with a CHF staff member to get a writing theme, then meet as group to generate pitches. The strongest pitches turn into articles or other pieces of writing that you’ll edit for each other with feedback from Marketing & Communications Depts. Final proofreading goes through CHF Communications.
  • Qualification : You quickly absorb the premise, talking points, and ultimate mission behind them for any given writing context. You're good at churning out assignments, sticking to a topic, fact-checking with the right people, and writing in a lively, upbeat, fresh, and non-institutional style—that is nonetheless precise and accurately uses language, grammar, and syntax to convey exactly what is meant. You can produce articles, blurbs, and / or persuasive sales collateral, but at the same time write a report. GoogleDocs and WordPress are ideal.
  • Why This : This is an opportunity to get to know other writers, work collaboratively as a team, get your ideas heard, workshopped, refined, and shared. This collaborative resource keeps content lively and interesting, allowing writers to work independently with plenty of support.