Washington, PA / Kittanning, PA
Hiring Drivers From All Lower 48 States!
New trucks arriving weekly!
- 104,000+ Average Annual Income!
- Night Shift - Days off will be Tues / Wed or Wed / Thurs
- Starting Pay of $26 / hr with Pay Increases at 6 Months, 9 Months, and One Year
- Overtime pay after 40 hours - Most Drivers work 60-65 hours per week!
- Local to PA locations can be home daily!
- Paid First-Class Lodging for Drivers Out of Local PA Area
- Non-Hazmat
- Paid Travel, Hotel, and Meals
- Direct Deposit
- New Vacation Package
- 401K, Medical, Dental, Prescription and Life Insurance
21 Years of AgeTanker Endorsement but NO HAZMAT is requiredClass B CDL with oil / gas experienceClass A one-year road experience and no oil / gas experience Phone :