No longer accepting applications
Bomb Technician

Bomb Technician

NavyWilson County, NC, United States
18 days ago
Job description

ABOUT Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technicianshave expertise in the most conventional and unconventionalexplosives to ensure the secure disposal of explosive weaponry.They are on call to respond to any type of ordnance, and theyreceive specialized training to handle chemical, biological andnuclear weapons. They investigate and demolish natural and man-madeunderwater obstructions, prepare coastal regions for amphibiouslandings, and warn about potential threats at home and abroad.Whether getting the job done in a bomb suit or by utilizingstate-of-the-art robotic technology, Navy EODs are trained to usethe most advanced tools of their kind in a role that's vital to thesafety of servicemembers and civilians. RESPONSIBILITIES As a NavyEOD Technician, you will have many far-ranging duties that can castyou on missions across the world. Your duties may require you to : Detonate and demolish hazardous munitions, pyrotechnics andoutdated explosives Work with cutting-edge technology to remotelydisable unsafe ordnance Perform parachute or helicopter insertionoperations Support law enforcement agencies Clear waterways ofmines in support of the Fleet Your unique skills and knowledge willadd to the strengths of other Special Operations units, as well asyour own. As an EOD Technician, you may also : Locate, identify,neutralize, recover and dispose of various ordnances, such as seamines, torpedoes and depth charges Support other SpecialOperations / Special Warfare units, such as Navy SEALs, Army SpecialForces and Marine Expeditionary Units Help the U.S. Secret Serviceand the U.S. Department of State to protect the President, VicePresident and other officials and dignitaries Assist with securityat large international events, such as sporting events or worldsummits WORK ENVIRONMENT Your missions will take you to everycorner of the world. One assignment may have you parachuting from17,000 feet, while the next may deliver you via an 11-meter RigidHull Inflatable Boat (RHIB). It all depends on which unit you'resupporting and the type of mission to be completed, as well as therequired equipment weight of each team member, weather conditionsand other parameters. TRAINING & ADVANCEMENT Becoming an EODTechnician is no easy process. While the rigorous 51 weeks oftraining are both physically and mentally grueling, you will berewarded with unrivaled leadership opportunities, first-ratecompensation and respect. After two months of recruit training inGreat Lakes, Ill., your EOD training will begin. EOD Prep Course ofInstruction (3 weeks) – The EOD training pipeline starts withpreparatory training in Great Lakes, Ill. Candidates work on swimstroke development, long-range swims and physical conditioning.Diver Training (9 weeks) – Next comes dive school at the NavalDiving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC) in Panama City, Florida.Training covers basic concepts of scuba diving as well as divephysics, physiology and basic dive medicine. Candidates also learnabout equipment such as the MK16 underwater rebreather. EOD School(42 weeks) – After successfully completing dive school, candidatestransfer to Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal School at Eglin AirForce Base in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. This training is comes infour sections, each teaching how to render safe or defuse specifictypes of ordnance. Air Ordnance Division – Focuses on bombs andmissiles Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) – Includes "homemadebombs" Nuclear Ordnance Division – Covers basic nuclear physics andradiation monitoring and decontamination procedures UnderwaterOrdnance Division – Emphasizes torpedoes and other underwaterexplosives as well as underwater search techniques Basic ParachuteTraining (3 weeks) – After completing basic EOD school, graduatesattend Basic Airborne Training ("jump school") at Fort Benning,Ga., where they qualify as a basic parachutist. EOD TacticalTraining (3 weeks) – The final phase of training is in San Diego,Calif. It teaches helicopter insertion (fast-rope, rappel, cast andspecial patrol insertion, and extraction rigging), smallarms / weapons training, small unit tactics (weapons, self-defense,land navigation and patrolling) and tactical communications(satellite and high frequency). Upon successful completion the EODtraining pipeline, graduates are assigned to EOD Mobile Units wherethey gain advanced on-the-job training and experience as members ofMobile Teams, Carrier Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike GroupCompanies, Naval Special Warfare Companies and Marine MammalCompanies. Advanced Training – EOD technicians may pursue a numberof advanced training options to hone and specialize their skillsHelicopter insertion training Basic parachute training andparachute water insertion training Advanced Improvised ExplosiveDevice Disposal (AIEDD) Jumpmaster training Small unit tacticsSmall Arms Instructor Language school (Defense Language Institute)EOD Communications (tactical radio communications) For those withfurther leadership aspirations and a college degree, Officer rolesare available – providing the opportunity to lead and train others.Promotion opportunities are regularly available but competitive andbased on performance. It's also important to note that specializedtraining received and work experience gained in the course ofservice can lead to valuable credentialing and occupationalopportunities in related fields. EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Members ofthe Naval Special Warfare / Naval Special Operations (NSW / NSO)community have any number of unique opportunities to advance theireducation. Navy training provides skills and knowledge ineverything from the fundamentals of explosive ordnance disposal tochemical and biological warfare, military tactics, deep-sea divingor a number of other tactical military procedures. Beyond offeringaccess to professional credentials and certifications, Navytraining in the EOD community can translate to credit hours towarda bachelor's or associate degree through the American Council onEducation. You may also continue your education throughopportunities like : Navy College Program and Tuition AssistancePost-9 / 11 GI Bill QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS Males andfemales are eligible to apply to become enlisted Navy EODTechnicians. No college degree is required, but a high degree ofdifficulty and satisfaction is standard. Training is tough andongoing. You can apply for the Navy Challenge contract for EODTechnicians at any time during your first enlistment. EntryRequirements Eyesight 20 / 200 bilateral correctable to 20 / 25 with nocolor blindness Minimum Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery(ASVAB) score ARVE109, MC51 or GSMCEI169 Be 30 years of age oryounger Pass a physical and separate medical examination requiredfor divers (approved by Diving Medical Officer) Must be a U.S.citizen and eligible for security clearance The chart belowhighlights the current minimum Navy Physical Screening Test (PST)requirements for Navy Challenge Programs. Additional requirementsspecific to Active Duty EOD Technician candidates include : 36months of obligated service upon completion of training Nonon-judicial punishments or court martial convictions during the 12months prior to application Meet medical standards as specified inthe NAVMED P-117 Meet minimum performance standards Pass ahyperbaric pressure tolerance test Be on board present command for2 years Be screened by an EOD Officer or E-6 or above Master EODTechnician Be recommended by your current Commanding Officer NOTE : You should consult your physician or other health-care professionalbefore starting any exercise regime or other fitness program todetermine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly trueif you (or your family) have a history of medical illnesses orailments that could be made worse by a change in physical activity.Do not start a fitness program if your physician or health-careprovider advises against it. General qualifications may varydepending upon whether you're currently serving, whether you'veserved before or whether you've never served before.