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What is a Private Investigator?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered August 30 2021
Career Expert at Talent.com
Private Investigators work independently and in cooperation with Law Enforcement offices, providing their services to clients who hire them. This level of investigative work is similar to that of a Detective, often conducting investigations on missing people, doing background checks on people, and researching legal, financial, or criminal investigations.  
Private Investigators are not legally authorized to perform the duties a Police Officer would otherwise perform (e.g., arresting people or conducting warranted searches). What they can do, which may come as a surprise to some, is to carry and use a firearm, provided they have the necessary permits.  
They are, nevertheless, often required to present the results and findings of their investigations to their clients or in a court of law as testimony and evidence. 

Personality of a Private Investigator
  • They are stealthy and quick thinking 
Private Investigators are very dedicated to their craft, at times spending hours on the lookout or following up on a person of interest. To do this successfully, it takes the right kind of person, one that can keep a low profile while also using quick thinking strategies to refrain from revealing their post.  
  • They keep their emotions in check 
Like members of law enforcement, successful Private Investigators tend to have an excellent poker face, rarely revealing their thoughts or reacting to a particular case or situation. This unassuming nature allows them to make significant victories when influencing witnesses to reveal more about what they truly know about the investigation.  
  • They are keen problem-solvers  
Private investigation requires professionals in this field to promptly and accurately assess situations. The situations can range from calm to chaotic, so remaining focused and exercising caution in dangerous situations is paramount to a PI's safety. 