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How to become a Laboratory Technician?

1 Answer(s)
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Talent.com talent.com
Answered July 15 2022
Career Expert at Talent.com
Like most scientific professionals, laboratory Technicians require extensive preparation to work due to the importance of detail, precision, and accuracy in their jobs. The most basic requirement for a Laboratory Technician is a college or university degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemical Engineering, or any other related scientific area.  
Obtaining a diploma in these fields may take at least three years of theoretical preparation and supervised practice. At the same time, further studies and accreditation, such as a master's or doctorate, are greatly encouraged as they can increase an applicant's chances of being assigned positions with more responsibilities and better compensations. Laboratory Technicians should also know about Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). 
The schedule of a Laboratory Technician usually varies depending on their work setting. When working in research and development facilities, it is common for them to work in a regular 9 to 5 setting. However, some institutions and companies may require some employees to work extra hours or remain on call during late hours. 

What is required to become a Laboratory Technician
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills:  
Laboratory technicians often work in teams, so it is an essential skill to communicate well with others in this environment. The ability to understand and follow instructions from your supervisor is also critical. Reading and writing technical reports is also an absolute must in this position. Aspiring technicians will benefit from these skills as much as others. 
  • Analytical and critical-thinking skills:  
To be successful in this role, Laboratory Technicians will need to be able to analyze data and solve problems. For example, if you are testing a sample for a particular disease, you will need to be able to identify any abnormalities in the results and take appropriate action. Precision and accuracy are paramount in their analyses since errors could invalidate their research.
  • Organizational and time management skills and meticulous attention to detail:  
These skills will help Laboratory Technicians avoid disorganization in the workplace that can lead to legal problems, damage to equipment, and toxic spills. Good organizational and time management skills are essential for Laboratory Technicians. A Laboratory Technician must be able to keep track of many different tasks and deadlines. They must also be able to work quickly and efficiently to meet these deadlines. Hand-eye coordination and the ability to use technical equipment accurately will also go a long way to secure success in this position. 