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What is a Visual Merchandiser?

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Talent.com talent.com
Answered July 14 2022
Career Expert at Talent.com
Visual Merchandisers are in charge of putting together the visual presentation and arrangements for items on sale. Their main job is to create something alluring and representative of the product. This includes making decisions on store layouts, product placement, signage, and more.  
Some Visual Merchandisers are employed by museums, retail establishments, theatre companies, outlets, galleries, department stores, or other similar establishments. However, it is also possible for Visual Merchandisers to work on a freelance basis or as consultants. They must have an eye for detail, creative vision, and the ability to think outside the box. In addition to their creative skills, Visual Merchandisers must also be able to work well under pressure and meet deadlines. 
Visual Merchandisers are hired to promote specific products, fashion lines, new technologies, or special promotions by a brand. Their number one goal is to attract the attention of their intended customers by setting up creative and appealing displays. Not to be confused with Retail Merchandisers whose work focuses on sales and stock instead of on the visual aspect of the merchandise.  
Personality of a Visual Merchandiser
  • They are creative.   
Visual Merchandisers can develop new and innovative ideas to attract customers and create an impactful shopping experience. This creativity is essential in terms of being able to adapt to change. In today's ever-changing retail landscape, Visual Merchandisers must be able to think on their feet and come up with new ways to display merchandise. Creativity allows Visual Merchandisers to stand out from the competition and create truly unique shopping experiences. 
  • They can see the bigger picture.  
Visual Merchandisers understand psychology. They can determine what shoppers want and how to get them to buy. Using their visual displays, they can tell a story that speaks to shoppers emotionally, encouraging them to buy, and create an impactful customer experience that encourages sales. As a Visual Merchandiser, you have the power to influence shoppers in a way that other retail employees don't.  
  • They are great communicators.   
Visual Merchandisers understand the needs of their customers. They strongly understand the products they sell and can provide valuable information to their customers. Visual Merchandisers need to be able to work well under pressure and be able to handle a fast-paced environment. Communication comes in handy during these high-stress situations, as does working well with others and taking direction. 