Physical Therapist

Healthcare Staffing Professionals, Inc
Vacaville, California

Healthcare Staffing Professionals, Inc. is looking for a Physical Therapist to work at a correctional facility in Vacaville, CA.

A successful candidate will have at least 1 year experience. Contact us today to help secure your next position! We Offer Benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision, 401(k) and Life Insurance), offer competitive rates, and know you will be delighted with our service!

Location : Vacaville, CA

Pay-rate : $60 / hr

$60 / hr

Benefits :

Medical, Dental, Vision, 401(k) & Life insurance

Job Duties :

  • Perform care consistent with the scope of licensure and in accordance with the facilities policies and procedures and consistent with generally accepted evidence based Physical Therapy practices.
  • Care provided must be sufficiently complex and consistent with the unique skills of a physical therapist;
  • Provide Physical Therapy and evaluations on an "as needed" basis on facilities patient / youth as pre-scheduled by designated Institution / Facility CEO / CME or designee
  • Provide Physical Therapy services to patient / youth upon physician referral and order, or upon direct access to the Physical Therapy services in cases where the patient / youth is seeking Physical Therapy for an existing and documented diagnosis;
  • Provide an initial assessment / evaluation on each referral and develop a treatment plan consistent with those findings and be responsible for communicating the treatment plan to the patient / youth and any relevant medical personnel;
  • Reports or assessments / evaluations and progress notes shall be completed utilizing facilities approved documentation forms in the patient's chart and / or outpatient health record;

Requirements :

  • Twelve (12) continuous months of experience within the last three (3) years performing services similar in scope to those defined herein in a public or private institution.
  • Possess and maintain while performing services for the facility a current and valid license issued by the Physical Therapy Board of California to practice Physical Therapy in the State of California including adherence to all laws and regulations governing the practice of physical therapy in California.
  • Graduation from an approved Physical Therapy program accredited by the Committee on Accreditation for Physical Therapy or its predecessor, the Joint Review Committee for Physical Therapy Education.
  • 2-3 references
  • Hace más de 30 días