Accounting Clerk

Robert Half
New York, Estados Unidos

We are inviting applications for the position of Accounting Clerk based in New York, New York. Serving in the creative agency industry, the chosen candidate will be responsible for managing various administrative and accounting tasks.

This role is especially suitable for someone with a knack for organization, attention to detail, and prior experience in a similar capacity.

Responsibilities :

  • Handling various administrative duties such as data entry and invoice processing
  • Overseeing accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR)
  • Conducting account reconciliation to ensure accuracy in financial records
  • Utilizing accounting software, preferably Xero, for efficient handling of tasks
  • Assisting in the preparation of financial reports using Microsoft Excel
  • Coordinating with the team to ensure smooth operation of financial activities
  • Handling the billing process and ensuring timely collection of payments
  • Leveraging skills in Oracle, SAP, and QuickBooks for various accounting functions
  • Facilitating resolution of any accounting discrepancies
  • Ensuring adherence to accounting policies and procedures.
  • Hace 6 días